Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 4--Out the Door

Yes, I really sent some more stuff out the door today! Actually, I have been doing it every day. The hardest parts are the things that will seem to just get 'wasted' out there, when I throw them in the garbage.

Today just seems significant because there were a few more things that have been hanging around for a LONG time. 

Today, out to the garbage went these things that had been sitting around for ages:
  • a set of speakers--the work off and on, maybe could be repaired, but I don't know where to go to repair, or, haven't bothered...I hope someone finds it from the garbage.
  • Then some cloth, actually a kind of suit--skirt and jacket. I've never worn it, not even once, thought I would want to sometime...And there was another outfit in there too.

But the much more exciting "out the door" was the bunch of sweaters I took for some high school students to go through. I thought--they might be way too big for them, they won't want them. But, on the other hand--thought maybe they could give them to parents or a grandparents, or whoever. And, if they don't take them, I can decide on the next step later.

Guess what? Although big, they were trying on and taking the stuff! I need to keep going! (Found two more sweaters to take for kids tomorrow.) Now I'm feeling a little bad that I didn't send the pyjamas to this group--even if that cloth could have been ripped apart and turned into shoes...surely, among all these people there must be some that know someone that could do something with the stuff. Ah well...

Yay, more went OUT THE DOOR today. There is even more I could do, and these days are a unique opportunity to pass things on. Maybe I should see what else I can find...

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