Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 5--not motivated

So hard to get motivated today.
Oh, I know's that to bed late again thing...

(Don't think I did anything this day...not in regards to simplifying and de-cluttering anyway.)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 4--Out the Door

Yes, I really sent some more stuff out the door today! Actually, I have been doing it every day. The hardest parts are the things that will seem to just get 'wasted' out there, when I throw them in the garbage.

Today just seems significant because there were a few more things that have been hanging around for a LONG time. 

Today, out to the garbage went these things that had been sitting around for ages:
  • a set of speakers--the work off and on, maybe could be repaired, but I don't know where to go to repair, or, haven't bothered...I hope someone finds it from the garbage.
  • Then some cloth, actually a kind of suit--skirt and jacket. I've never worn it, not even once, thought I would want to sometime...And there was another outfit in there too.

But the much more exciting "out the door" was the bunch of sweaters I took for some high school students to go through. I thought--they might be way too big for them, they won't want them. But, on the other hand--thought maybe they could give them to parents or a grandparents, or whoever. And, if they don't take them, I can decide on the next step later.

Guess what? Although big, they were trying on and taking the stuff! I need to keep going! (Found two more sweaters to take for kids tomorrow.) Now I'm feeling a little bad that I didn't send the pyjamas to this group--even if that cloth could have been ripped apart and turned into shoes...surely, among all these people there must be some that know someone that could do something with the stuff. Ah well...

Yay, more went OUT THE DOOR today. There is even more I could do, and these days are a unique opportunity to pass things on. Maybe I should see what else I can find...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 3--Discovery

I realized last night...
The only thing I've ever done 'minimally' before, is... sleep. :o(
I've had it all wrong.
And I've been real consistent.
And the minimal sleep, has consistently led to...
Well, it's just getting much more urgent now
I'm really feeling the effects
Really needing to change

This is about stewardship
Of life, and gifts and body
It's about using well
Not throwing away or wasting

So now...I go to bed

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 2--a little more progress

(I won't always keep track of days...)

Did it--sent those pj's out the door. Gasp! Gulp! No turning back on those babies.

But I couldn't find that cell phone, and she went and bought herself a new one. (Obviously everything doesn't have a place.)

Today's new efforts--not a lot, but some. Working with someone else here, we:
  • I pulled out one box from my balcony pile--fortunately it only had 2 pairs of sandals in it. Wahoo--good shoes to wear, AND got rid of one box in storage
  • bought lightbulbs--replaced one just burnt out, cleaned the fixtures for two rooms
  • mostly emptied the remnants of a bag I was sorting earlier
  • Have made plans for tomorrow--to work on getting rid of STUFF. Will look especially for things that I can quickly and easily make decisions about--to give away, put away, etc.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 1--Making a Start

What have I done on today's journey?

1. I made a list--the reasons I want to simplify.

2. Off the internet...
And, as part of Lent, but it works here too,
I've required myself to be OFF of a particular quite time consuming social media website
for 12 hours straight in the day time, every day
I made a chart to track that I do it
(just 55 minutes to go now...I think I'll make it for day 1)

Then I ran into some opportunities
And felt the pull
Get rid of it or not
All those pyjamas that I haven't worn for AGES
It would be easier if I had someone I could give them to
Or something that could be done with the fabric at least
Worst case scenario--old ladies rip them apart to make up the layers of the cloth-soled shoes they make
But I was told--they aren't making them any more
All I'll be able to do is--dump them in the garbage
Ah...what a waste!
But...what a waste when they sit here cluttering up my closet
Taking time and space and energy

Then...she expressed her frustration with her cell phone
Her old one broke and someone gave her this one
But the ring is too quiet
And the characters are small
I...have an extra cell phone
Not even used that much actually
Before I switched to a smart phone
But you know, I want to keep it
It was really good for texting
Just in case...
Ah, the excuses
All the reasons I get in such a mess

I must break the habit
Break the thinking
Break the ties
The selfishness
The worry
That I won't have enough
That I'll regret...
(Is that what it is? What am I worried about anyway?
What holds me back?)

3. I'm junking the pyjamas (4 sets--we won't yet say this really deals with ALL of the pyjamas in my, not yet down to minimal, just get rid of the stuff I don't use)

4. I'm giving away the cell phone

5. Random Junking!
I'm going to go around my house, and pile a bunch of other stuff by the door too. Tomorrow someone is coming to help with the cleaning...she'll take it out.
  • the pretty papers that wrapped the roses
  • the great box that the cherries came in (must be good to story something?)--unless I can find an immediate use for it
  • other junk and jars and useless things...let's see what I can find.
6. I started filing the finance pile. And I discovered something great--I had ALREADY significantly cleared out my filing drawers in the fall. There is a place already prepared for them. It's a good thing--there is more than a year's worth. A little more than just filing is needed--a little bit of printing and arranging, but not much...

I'm doing it.
I got rid of some stuff today!
I'm going to do this!

Rational Minimalism--Gotta Do This!

Two nights ago I started listening to Joshua Becker's book Simplify.
(He has a blog too, you know--Joshua Becker--Becoming Minimalist.)
Yesterday I listened some more.
And thought...
     I must do this!!

How much longer do I want to wait?
I don't want to wait any longer!
It's gotten too far out of hand
How sick and tired do I need to be?
Am I sick enough
of all the clutter
of not feeling like I can have guests because of all the messes and added stress
of feeling my life is out of control

This morning I started to write a list of why I want to simplify
Then today, I ran into two declutter, 
And I wanted to hold back
I want to keep these things that I've had for a while
In which I'm emotionally invested
Even though they take up space
And bog me down

A part of me knows that I will feel so free
When I get rid of the stuff
I must get rid of the stuff!
I must change my thinking!

So the idea of this blog
As a way to track, and 
What I did
What I do 
What I get rid of
What I learn
How my thinking changes

I'm not going to post every day
Though I might, if it helps motivate
I'm not going to let this be one more thing that bogs me down!

I like his idea--rational minimalism
It's not a minimalism of following someone else's rules
It's a minimalism that works for you

I have a long way to go
But I need to make a start

I need to cut the ties
Between me and stuff
And between me  and lots of other things that pull

Let's begin!